Information For Authors

Are you interested in publishing in the magazine? It is recommended to review the About the journal page for the journal's section policies, as well as the Author's Guidelines. Authors must register with the journal before publishing or, if they are already registered, they can simply log in and begin the five-step process.

Instructions for authors


The Journal of the Medical Corp of the Almanzor Aguinaga Asenjo Hospital is the official scientific journal of Almanzor Aguinaga Asenjo Hospital; whose purpose is to promote and diffuse the development of the scientific knowledge of its associates, residents and other professionals who have interest in contributing to the medical knowledge growth through the periodical publication of scientific articles.

The Editorial Committee of the Journal of the Medical Corp of the Almanzor Aguinaga Asenjo Hospital fully adheres to the principles of standardization and editorial quality established by the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors – Vancouver group (, as well as the stipulated in the Style Manual of the Pan American Health Organization (, the given norms by International Organization for Standardization – ISO (, about the editorial area, and by the International System of Units (

The Editorial Committee reserves the right to edit the manuscripts to improve its clarity, grammar, and style.

The sent manuscripts to the Journal of the Medical Corp of the Almanzor Aguinaga Asenjo Hospital should meet the following presentation norms:

  1. To the Journal of the Medical Corp of the Almanzor Aguinaga Asenjo Hospital, the authorship will be free, considering the participation of even undergraduate students of health sciences.

All people who appear as authors must be qualify to it. Every author must have participated in the work sufficiently to be publicly responsible for the content of the manuscript. To recognize the authorship must comply all the following:

a). Significant contributions to the conception and design of the manuscript, or the recollection, analysis, or interpretation of the data; b). Redaction or important critical revision of the content of the manuscript; c). The final approval of the version to be published, and d). The assumption of the responsibility about all the aspects of the manuscript, to ensure that issues regarding the accuracy or integrity of any part of it will be properly investigated and resolved.

The authors must meet all the above conditions.

* The participation only in the acquisition of finance, recollection of data or only in general supervision of the group does not justify the authorship. Any part of an article that is essential to the main conclusions of it will be responsibility of the authorship.

When the group that has done the work is numerous and proceeds from several institutions, the group must identify people who accept the direct responsibility of the manuscript. Those people must meet all the authorship criteria. When a manuscript redacted by a group is presented, the corresponsal author should clearly indicate the priority in the mention of the authors and unambiguously identify all the individual authors, as well as the group name. Team members who do not meet these criteria may be listed, with their permission, in the acknowledge section.

The order in which the authors appear should be a joint decision of the authors. To The Journal of the Medical Corp of the Almanzor Aguinaga Asenjo Hospital, authors should indicate who will be catalogued as the main researcher. 

  1. Treat topics related to the area of Health and/or Social Sciences.
  2. Belong to one of the following categories:

–    Editorial.

–    Original Article

–    Brief Original Article (Short communication).

–    Review Article

–    Case Reports

–    Special contribution: consensus and/or controversy

_     Special Article: another articles not conforming to sections

–    Critically appraised article

–   Photo gallery

–   Letter to the editor

  1. Be accompanied by a cover letter signed by the main and/or corresponsal researcher addressed to the director of the The Journal of the Medical Corp of the Almanzor Aguinaga Asenjo Hospital, in which the evaluation of the article for its publication is requested, mentioning the tittle, study type and complete name of the authors. The submission can be done through the OJS submissions.
  2. Attach a simple affidavit signed by all the authors in which they show that the presented article is untold and has not been previously published or diffused, partially or totally, nor presented for publication in any other journal, in any language; it will not be presented to any other journal, unless the authors receive a written communication from the Editorial Committee of The Journal of the Medical Corp of the Almanzor Aguinaga Asenjo Hospital, that it will not be published in this Journal.
  3. Should be written in Spanish or English, in Microsoft Office Word, with pages size A4 (210 x 297 mm), simple line spacing, with 3cm margins, with font type Times New Roman and font size 12.
  4. Each component in the manuscript will start in a separate page. All the pages will be consecutively ordered and numbered in the right upper margin.
  5. The first page should include the following information: 
  • Tittle of the article in Spanish and English
  • Author´s names, its affiliations, maximum academic degree, city and The Author´s names should be separated from each other with a comma and a dot should be placed at the end of the last author. The call for the author(s) institutional affiliation should be written in Arabic numbers and in superscript, coinciding with the order that should be appear on the first page on the article, separated from the text by a horizontal line.
  • The names of the service(s), department(s) and institutions in where the study was done and to which the study should be attributed.
  • Disclaimers, if any.
  • Name, address, telephone and e-mail address of the author responsible for the correspondence. 
  1. The tittle of the study should be clear, precise and concise and reflect important aspects or the study objective.
  2. Abstract and keywords
  • In case of original articles:    

The second page should include the abstract with no more than 250 words, with non-structure format. The following will be continuously verified with Vancouver standards: introduction, objective of study, materials and methods, results and conclusions. After the abstract, the authors should specify and identify, as such, 3 or 6 key words or short phrases, which will help to index the article in the data bases. These key words will be published with the abstract and it´s mandatory to use the descriptors terms and qualifiers in Health science (DeCS) ( and/or Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) of Index Medicus (; if appropriate terms are not available to the newcomers to the literature, terms or expression of known usage may be use.

–    In case of review articles:

The second page should contain an abstract with no more than 100 words. The purpose of the review will be described very briefly and the most novel and relevant observations and aspects of the state of the topic being reviewed will be highlighted.

  1. Tables and figures should not be included within the article, should be placed at the end of the text, in separated page, with the corresponding tittle and the order of appearance according to the respective calls. Drawings, maps, photographs or graphics ordered by Arabic numbers are considered figures. Legends of each figure should be placed in the lower part, and of each tables in the upper part. The legends of the microphotographs should indicate the optical magnification and the staining method. The maps should also have a scale. The Editorial committee of the journal reserves the right to limit the number of illustrations.
  2. Bibliographic References will be only the ones that have been cited in the text, will be ordered correlatively according to its appearance and written according to the Vancouver style.
  3. The acknowledgement of people or institutions that have collaborated with the performance of the study will appear before the bibliographic references.
  4. Conflict of interests.

Conflict of interest; authors should declare any relationship, condition or circumstance that can influence with the detachment of the article interpretation; which can be economic or institutional.

At the end of the text, with the subtitle “Declaration of conflict of interests”, all authors should reveal any relationship with organizations with direct or indirect financial interests about the topics, issues or materials discussed in the text that can affect the conduction or the study report. If there is uncertainty about what should be considered a potential conflict of interest, the authors should communicate to the Editorial Committee for its consideration. If there is no such conflict, authors should declare it in writing.

  1. Measurement units. The measurements of the quantities used should be those of the System of Units (SI). Blood pressure, by exception, will be expressed in millimeters of mercury.

For example:

–    The measurements of length, weight and volume will be expressed in meters, kilograms and liters, respectively or in their multiples or submultiples.

–    Temperatures will be indicated in Celsius degree.

–    Do not use punctuation marks to separate millions and thousands, do it by leaving a free space. Numbers that are not separated by a blank space are those that indicate the year (1999,2005). Decimal numbers are separated using the comma (,) as a punctuation mark.

  1. Abbreviations and symbols

Its use in the tittle will be avoided. When an abbreviation is used for the first time, it will be preceded by the full term to which it corresponds. The symbol for a commonly unit of measure does not require the complete number when it is used for the first time.

Structure of number of words, tables/figures and number of citations according to categories

Structure of number of words, tables/figures and number of citations according to categories

Category of the research document

Abstract/number of words

Maximum number of words

Number of tables and figures

Bibliographic references, minimum required to be cited


Does not have




Original Article





Brief Original Article (short communication)





Review article





Case report





Special article





Special contribution





Photo gallery

Does not have




Letter to the editorc

Does not have




Critically appraised article






  1. Section requested by the journal editor
  2. In case of systematic reviews, more bibliographic references could be accepted.
  3. In scientific letters, 2000 words will be accepted.




Intended to topics that due to their transcendence and current relevance require institutional opinion, to articles or topics published in the scientific community. The editorial constitutes an opinion on a specific topic by an expert in the area.

This section is responsibility of the Editorial Committee of the Journal, which may invite recognized researchers in a specific area to write it. It should not exceed 2 pages (2000 words) and have bibliographic references.

Original articles (scientific or primary)

Should be written in the following order (with the Vancouver style): 

  • Tittle in Spanish and English
  • Abstract, with keywords in Spanish
  • Abstract and keywords in English
  • Introduction
  • Material and method
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusions
  • Bibliographic references (Vancouver style)

The total extension of the manuscript, including the bibliographic references, will not be more than 20 pages.

First page will be an informative page (not include within the 12 pages), with detail information about the authors and the presented study (aspects considered are mentioned later).

The abstract in Spanish and English will be presented in a separated page, with a maximum extension of 250 words in a single paragraph and should be structured, including the following sections:

Introduction (Background).  To include relevant background that allows understand why the study was done; as well as the objective. Material and Methods. To focus on the following aspects: study type, population and place, measurement of main variables, data analysis. Results. Study population, main results, data analysis and interpretation. Some aspect that allows understand the results. Conclusions. Main conclusion of the study.

Then, add Keywords in Spanish and English. At least 3 and a maximum of 6 will be accepted. 

Article body

Introduction: The maximum extension will be two pages. Should present the important background (what is known? And what is not known?), and that reveals why it was relevant to do the work (justification). In the last part, include what was (were) the objective(s) of the study, the inclusion of the research question is optional. It is important to consider the sources used in the redaction of this section with the corresponding bibliographic citation, the numbered will be done in Arabic numbers, respecting the order of mention in the text.

Material and methods: Should describe in detail how the work was done. Redaction should be clear so that the internal and external validity can be evaluated; in addition that make it possible to reproduce it. Should include the following sections, however, it is no mandatory to include subtitles.

  • Study design: specify the study design of the research.
  • Population: should describe population who participated in the study.
  • Analysis unit
  • Selection criteria: Explain the inclusion, exclusion and elimination criteria with which participants were filtered.
  • Sample and Sampling: Specify if the study was done with the universe or, only with a sample; in which case should describe the procedure applied to calculate the sample size. Also, explain the type of sampling used. Describe if the results can be extrapolated to the population, or to another that meets some characteristics.
  • Operational definition of variables: do not include the definition table of variables done to the protocol should include, and describe, the main variable of the study and others of relevance (in order to clarify its later use in the redaction of the results).
  • Procedures: should describe, in detail, how was done all the research work, moments, people who collected the data, elements and/or used instruments, etc.
  • Ethical aspects: should specify the ethics committee that evaluated and authorized the execution of the project that gave rise the presented work. The Journal Editorial Committee considers that studies presented must have been evaluated for said committee or the one that takes its place, reserves the right to request the constancy at any point in the editorial process. Also, should comment if the informed consent, assent or another similar were used; and if the results were returned to the participants. Requires an approval for an institutional Ethics Committee: 1) Researches done in human; 2) Researches that use biological human material or human data identifiable such as biobank samples or medical registers. The Editorial committee does not request approval of an institutional Ethics Committee in the following cases: 1) Secondary Researches with public access data base, including systematic reviews, meta-analysis and bibliometrics studies; 2)Intervention of Public Health Surveillance; 3) Researches about outbreaks or health emergency; 4) Evaluations of Public Health Programs.
  • Statistical analysis: should specify how the statistical analysis was performed, what tests were used and for which variables. Describe the statistical package used, the version and what confidence level and significance were used.
  • In case that the Editorial Committee considers necessary will request the study database and complementary information in order to corroborate the study results.


Should be represented clearly and briefly; avoid the redundancy. The maximum number of tables and figures will be ten (10), which should be cited within the text. Avoid repeating information of the text in the tables and/or figures.

Tables: should fulfill the following format:

  1. Only include three (03) horizontal lines. Should not have vertical lines.
  2. Should numbered each table, correlatively, according to its appearance in the text.
  3. Should include a table's legend, immediately before the inclusion of the same.
  4. If necessary, and if these are not for standard use, should explain the abbreviations or single acronyms.
  5. To add footnotes, you should use any of the following symbols: *, †, ‡, §, ll, ¶, **, ††, ‡‡.
  6. Where applicable, you should specify the measures of statistical variation, standard deviation, and standard error of the mean.
  7. If you use data from another source, published or not, you must include the reference in the text and in the bibliographic references section.

Figures: Should follow the following format for the use of figures:

  1. Figure is all that diagram, statistical graph, map, illustrations or photography that is included within the text.
  2. Should numbered the figures according to the order of appearance in the text.
  3. Should include the legend, the tittle of the figures and the lower part of them.
  4. Letters, numbers and symbols included in the figures should be clear and legible. The Editorial committee is not responsible in case the information in the graphics is not adequately appreciated, and this diminishes the interpretation.
  5. If the photograph of an individual or patient is included, measures should be taken to avoid identifying the person. Photographs in which the person is recognized will be only accepted when the signed permission of the same is included.
  6. If a published figure is used, and it is not in the public domain, the author's permission should be sent, which includes the authorization for its use.

Discussion: the results and/or main findings should be explained; avoid recapitulating or repeating the results. The results obtained should be contrasted with the existing literature. At the end of this section, you should include the limitations of the study and the results, the recommendations and, finally, the conclusions by the authors.

Acknowledgments: optional section. Briefly thank the natural and legal persons who helped or made the study possible. You should specify why you are thanking them.

Funding Source. Only when applicable.

Short Communication (Brief Original Article)

Should be written in the following order (according to the Vancouver style):

  • Tittle in Spanish and English
  • Abstract in Spanish (maximum 150 words), with keywords in Spanish (3-6 words).
  • Abstract in English (maximum 150 words), and keywords in English (3-6 words).
  • Introduction: maximum two pages.
  • The study: same characteristics as material and method from the original article.
  • Outcomes/results: maximum ten tables and figures.
  • Discussion: Same characteristics as discussion from original article. Conclusions should be written in this section.
  • Bibliographic references (Vancouver style)


Review Article

It will be written by invitation of the Editorial Committee of The Journal of the Medical Corp of the Almanzor Aguinaga Asenjo Hospital.

The Editorial Committee reserves the right to limit the topic extension as well as the number of bibliographic references (no more than 25 pages), according to its importance and number of developed items in its content. It will be accepted maximum 5 tables and figures.

Should be written in the following order (Vancouver style):

  • Tittle in Spanish and English
  • Abstract in Spanish (maximum 150 words), with keywords in Spanish (3-5 words).
  • Abstract in English (maximum 150 words), and keywords in English (3-5 words).
  • Introduction
  • Text of review
  • Conclusions
  • Bibliographic references (Vancouver style)

Case reports

Should be written in the following order:

  • Tittle in Spanish and English
  • Abstract, with keywords in Spanish
  • Abstract and keywords in English
  • Introduction
  • Case report
  • Discussion
  • Conclusions
  • Acknowledgements
  • Bibliographic references (Vancouver style)

The total extension of the work, including the bibliographic references, should not be more than 6 pages (2500 words). It is recommended to take the following into account at the moment to redact the clinical case:


  • Introduction: Brief and succinct. It will guide to reader about the case.
  • Clinical case report: Should be described the most relevant data of the clinical case.
  • Discussion: Should be analyzed the most relevant data of the clinical case, which should be contrasted with the actual literature. Should include the importance and contribution of the clinical case to the science.
  • Keywords: at least 03, and maximum 6. It is recommended to use the Descriptors of the Health Sciences (DeCS) as a model. If the terms have not yet been adopted by DeCS, it is allowed to use common expressions.
  • The abstract in Spanish and English will be presented in a separated page, with a maximum extension of 150 words in a single paragraph, and with 3 or 6 keywords in Spanish and English, respectively.


If the author(s) consider it pertinent, tables and graphics can be used. A maximum of six (6) per article between tables and graphics will be accepted.


Photographs of the patient can be included, as long as the patient is not recognized. The patient's name should not be used, nor other information that allows identify him/her. All images should respect the intimacy and privacy of the participants, covering their eyes with a black bar or placing a mosaic over the face. In relation to ethical considerations, it is at the discretion to the Editorial Committee to request the author(s) the consent and/or authorization to present the case, provided by the patient and/or the responsible family member.

Plagiarism is an ethical fault in research; so should be avoided. The Editorial Committee will verify the originality of the cases. In case of plagiarism, the case will be penalized with the exclusion of the Journal, in the same way, the institution that the authors represent will be informed: according to the institutional affiliation; so that they take the pertinent actions.

In case of authorship problems, the responsibility falls only on those who presented the work; the Editorial Committee is not responsible for situations of this nature.

Special Article

Should include topics of consensus and/or controversy. The special topics should be requested by invitation of the Editorial Committee of The Journal of the Medical Corp of the Almanzor Aguinaga Asenjo Hospital or sent by authors. Can be essays, opinions, clinical practice guidelines, systematizations, research protocols or experiences that are interesting to clinical practice, likewise other articles that are not considered in the sections  described by the journal. It should have a non-structured abstract of maximum 250 words, 3-6 keywords. The Editorial Committee reserve the right to limit the extension of the special topic as well as the number of bibliographic references, according to its importance and number of developed items in its content.

Special contribution

In this section, should be included the homage to the professionals who have contributed to the public health of the country; in addition should be included other articles that do not conform to the sections considered in the journal. The parts will be the most convenient to show the article. Should include tittle and abstract in Spanish and English with maximum 150 words and 20 bibliographic references.

Photo gallery

Photos of interest about a health topic in particular, accompanied by a brief abstract about the topic and an explanation about the origin of the presented pictures. The photos should be accompanied by an explanatory legend.

The Editorial Committee of The Journal of the Medical Corp of the Almanzor Aguinaga Asenjo Hospital reserve the right to limit the number of pictures or select the ones it considers are most relevant.

In relation to ethical considerations, it is at the discretion of the editorial committee, to request from the authors the consent and/or authorization for the presentation of the images of the case, provided by the patient and/or responsible family member, according to the ethical considerations of the journal.

Could be included maximum 10 bibliographic references, as the case warrants.

Letter to the editor

The letters to the editor are not an article properly speaking, however, can be based on one; and its extension should not exceed two pages (2000 words) in scientific letters and 1000 words in informative letters. The bibliographic references should not exceed 10 references in scientific letters and 5 in informative letters.

Should be written according to the following scheme:

  • Tittle
  • Text of the letter
  • Bibliographic references

Critically appraised scientific article

Should be written according to the following scheme:

  • Abstract of the appraised study: Should be include an abstract in Spanish with its corresponding English translation. Should not exceed 150 words and include the following epigraphs:
  1. Conclusions of the article authors.
  2. Reviewers’ comments and keywords.
  • Cover page or presentation: Descriptive tittle: it is not about copy or translate the article tittle, but about describe the objective and the conclusion of the study. Bibliographic reference of the article, following the Vancouver standards.
  • Structured abstract of the Critical appraisement: Should not be the simple copy or translation of the abstract of the article, but should be reworked according to the following structure, depending on whether it is an original article or a review article.
  1. Original article
  • Objective, design, emplacement, study population, definition of the study factor: more details at:
  • Results measurement, main outcomes, conclusions, interest conflict, founding source. -Link: The link to obtain the article will be indicated.
  1. Systematic review or meta-analysis
  • Data source, bibliographic research strategy indicating the data bases, the coverage period, keywords used and other filters that define the research (type of study, language, etc.). Do not translate the keywords. Indicate the total numbers of included and rejected studies. More details at:
  • Main outcomes, conclusions, interest conflict, founding source. -Link: The link to obtain the article will be indicated.
  1. Critical comment
  • In order to homogenize some aspects of the comment, it is recommended to continue the following scheme or VARA (Validity, Relevance, Clinical Importance and Applicability), more details at:
  • Interest conflict of the authors of the comment.
  • Bibliography: there may be a maximum of 8 bibliographic citations.



Tables are used to expose interrelated data and to show results that cannot be clearly expressed in the text. Should be presented individually out of the text, in Microsoft Office Word.

Tables should have a brief and clear tittle, written in Times New Roman and should be numbered according to the first call that appears in the text. For example (Table 1).

Figures (drawings, maps, photographs or graphics) should be presented individually out of the text in Microsoft Office Word and should be in JPEG format, with highest resolution (more than 500 dpi) and size. The Journal will preferably publish color iconography.


They will refer exclusively to the citations of the text of the study. References should be cited in order of consecutive appearance in the text and added to the corresponding numbered list with the complete bibliographic information at the end of the document, written with the Vancouver style that can be consulted on line in

Avoid the personal communications.

Journal articles

Afran L, Knight MG, Nduati E, Urban BC, Heyderman RS, Rowland-Jones SL. HIV-exposed uninfected children: a growing population with a vulnerable immune system? Clin Exp Immunol. 2014;176(1):11–22.

Oblitas FY, Loncharich N, Salazar ME, David HM, Silva I, Velásquez D. Nursings role in tuberculosis control: a discussion from the perspective of equity. Rev Lat Am Enfermagem. 2010;18(1):130-138.

Last name of each author followed by the initial(s) of the first name, six authors can be cited, separated by commas; if there are more than six, only the first three will be written and then “et al” will be added. Place a dot at the end of the initial of the last author’s name, then, the tittle of the article in the origin language, followed by a dot and then, the journal’s name (in international abbreviation), followed by a dot. Then, the year of the publication followed by a semicolon, the number of the volume, followed by the publication number between round brackets; then, colon and, finally, the pages where the article appears and a period. The publication number can be omitted in the journals with consecutive paging within a volume.


Eriksen M, Mackay J, Schluger N. The Tobacco Atlas. 5a ed. Atlanta, GA: World Lung Foundation; 2015. [ Links ]

Gajalakshmi CK, Jha P, Ranson K, Nguyen S. Global patterns of smoking and smoking attributable mortality. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2000. [ Links ]

Shafey O, Eriksen M, Ross H, MacKay J. The tobacco atlas. 3a ed. Atlanta, GA: American Cancer Society, Bookhouse Group; 2009.

Drummond MF, Sculpher MJ, Torrance GW, O’Brien BJ, Stoddart GL. Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes. 3rd ed. Oxford (Inglaterra): Oxford University Press; 2005.

Hurley JE. Health Economics. Toronto (Canadá): McGraw-Hill Ryerson; 2010.

Culyer AJ. The Dictionary of Health Economics. 2nd ed. Chelthenham (Reino Unido): Elgar; 2010.

Author and/or coauthors (presented in the same way as for the journal articles), book tittle, edition, name of the city where the book was edited, colon, name of the Editorial, semicolon, year of the publication, dot and the number of the consulted pages.

Books ‘chapters, brochures or similar

Oppenheimer M, Campos M, Warren R, Birkmann J, Luber G, O’Neill B, et al. Emergent risks and key vulnerabilities. In: Field CB, Barros VR, Dokken DJ, Mach KJ, Mastrandrea MD, Bilir TE, et al., eds. Climate change 2014: impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability. Part A: global and sectoral aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge and New York City: Cambridge University Press; 2014. Pp. 1039-99.

Araújo S, Cintra EA, Bachega EB. Manutenção do potencial doador de órgãos. Em: Cintra EA, Nishide VM, Nunes WA, org. Assistência de enfermagem ao paciente gravemente enfermo. São Paulo: Atheneu; 2005. Pp. 443-56.

Clausell NO, Gonçalves LFS, Veronese JV. Manutenção de doadores de órgãos. Em: Rotinas em terapia intensiva. 3a ed. Porto Alegre: Artmed; 2001. Pp. 543-9.

Knowles NJ, Hovi T, Hyypiä T, King AM, Lindberg AM, Pallansch MA, et al. Picornaviridae. In: King AM, Adams MJ, Carstens EB, Lefkowitz EJ, editors. Virus taxonomy: classification and nomenclature of viruses: Ninth Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. San Diego: Elsevier; 2012. Pp. 855–80.

Author and/or coauthor of the chapter (presented in the same way as for the Journal articles), dot, chapter tittle, dot, edition (except if it is the first one), dot, city where the book was edited, colon, name of the editorial, semicolon, year of the publication, dot and the number of the consulted pages.


Rodríguez O, Torres S. Estilos de Crianza y agresividad en los estudiantes de Secundaria-Chiclayo. [Bachelor´s thesis]. Chiclayo: Universidad Señor de Sipán; 2013.

Alarcón M, Rubio B. Estilos de crianza y desajuste del comportamiento psicosocial en adolescentes de 13 a 18 años de edad, de la I.E. Nº 11016 Juan Mejía Baca del Pueblo Joven José Olaya-Chiclayo, 2010. [Bachelor´s thesis]. Chiclayo: Universidad Señor de Sipán; 2010.

Incio S, Montenegro D. Estilos de crianza y agresividad en adolescentes de 4to y 5to año de secundaria de la I.E. Virgen de la Medalla Milagrosa N° 11009 de Chiclayo. [Bachelor´s thesis]. Chiclayo: Universidad Señor de Sipán; 2009.

Gamarra Contreras MA. Características clínicas y factores de riesgo para pie diabético. [Thesis for specialist degree in Endocrinologist]. Lima: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; 2003.

Author´s name in the same way as for the articles. Tittle of the study, opted degree [with square bracket], dot. City where it was supported, two dots, University of provenance, semicolon, the year, dot.

Web page

Should be accompanied by the date when the web page was consulted.

WHO. Countdown to 2015. Global Tuberculosis Report 2013. Supplement. [Cited: 7 Mar. 2014]. Available in:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Smoking-attributable mortality, morbidity, and economic costs (SAMMEC). Adult SAMMEC, Relative Risk–CPS-II (82-88). [Cited: 16 Apr. 2015]. Available in:

Submission of articles 

The article should be sent on web page at the following link: (, attaching a letter addressed to the director of the The Journal of the Medical Corp of the Almanzor Aguinaga Asenjo Hospital signed by one of the authors (preferably the main author), requesting the evaluation to be considered for publication. The letter should include the tittle of the article, the complete names of the authors and the type of study. An affidavit should be attached ( ), signed by the corresponsal or main author, indicating that the article is intellectual property of the authors, have not been published, or presented to evaluation for another journal, assigning the publication rights to the The Journal of the Medical Corp of the Almanzor Aguinaga Asenjo Hospital once the article is published. Also, the Ethical Principles for Publishing Form must be attached. The forms can be downloaded at the following link:


Check-list for preparing submission

As part of the submission process, authors should make sure their sending meets all elements shown below. Submissions that do not meet these guidelines will be returned to the authors.

  1. The submission have not been published previously or submitted for consideration by any journal (or an explication has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).
  2. Written in Spanish, in Microsoft Word Office, pages in A4 (210 x 297 mm), simple line spacing, with 3cm margins, with Times New Roman font and size of font 12.
  3. Each component of the manuscript will start in separate page. All pages will be ordered and numbered consecutively.
  4. The first page include the following information: Tittle of the article in Spanish and English. The names of the authors, their institutional affiliations, maximum academic degree(s), city and country. The names of the authors should be separated from each other by a comma and a period should be placed in the last author. The call for the institutional affiliations of the author(s) should be made in Arabic numbers and in superscript, coinciding with the order that should appear on the first page of the article, separated from the text by a horizontal line.
  5. The second page should include the abstract with no more than 250 words, with non-structure format. The following will be continuously verified with Vancouver standards: introduction, objective of study, materials and methods, results and conclusions. After the abstract, the authors should specify and identify, as such, 3 or 6 key words or short phrases, which will help to index the article in the data bases. These key words will be published with the abstract and it´s mandatory to use the descriptors terms and qualifiers in Health science (DeCS) (http://decs.bbr) and/or Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) of Index Medicus (; if appropriate terms are not available to the newcomers to the literature, terms or expression of known usage may be use.
  6. Tables and figures should not be inserted within the article, should be at the final of the text, on a separate page, with the corresponding tittle and the order of appearance according to the respective calls.


Privacy statement

Names and e-mail addresses in this journal will be used only for the purposes stated in it and will not be provided to third parties nor will not use to other purposes..